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- *************************************************************************
- * *
- * Conditions of use Rocky Clone V1.0 *
- * ----------------- ---------------- *
- * *
- * This program has been provided for the enjoyment of the *
- * masses (it's public domain). *
- * Since the author doesn't ask for anything in return, *
- * the player will accept the following conditions: *
- * *
- * - in no case whatsoever shall the author be liable for *
- * any damages, losses etc... due to the use of this program. *
- * - distribution of the program is only allowed subject to the *
- * following restrictions: *
- * 1) this unmodified README file should always accompany *
- * the executable and its run-time files *
- * 2) the executable should never be stored on a *
- * NON-electronic/electromagnetic media (e.g. paper). *
- * *
- * *
- * Laurence Vanhelsuwé *
- * 02-SEP-89 *
- *************************************************************************
- Program Title : Rocky Clone
- ---------------------------
- Author : Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- ----------------------------
- 1. How to "install":
- -----------------
- The executable is called "ROCKY" and its only run-time file
- is called "chars".
- Make sure "chars" is in the current directory when ROCKY is run.
- 2. How to play it:
- ---------------
- This is a multi-level Boulderdash clone written in
- assembler (from START: to END).
- Use a joystick in PORT #2 to move your character about or use
- the following keys:
- ESCAPE to quit game
- ENTER to commit suicide
- SPACE to pause game
- p to move right
- o to move left
- w to move up
- s to move down
- (there's no keyboard equivalent for the FIRE button on a joystick).
- The goal is to clear each level by collecting enough
- gems to enable the exit to the next level.
- There are 40 problem-packed (solvable) levels in all.
- Each level contains an evil mixture of nasties, obstacles
- and puzzles to solve.
- The game is addictive enough to dispense with all the blurb about
- what all the game features are....
- Play it and discover !
- The universal rules though are:
- Use common sense when dealing with gravity and...
- always be on your guard with moving things!
- If you ever get stuck under an avalanche of rocks, press ENTER to
- commit suicide!
- 3. Notes for hackers/programmers:
- ------------------------------
- The program is fundamentally a version of LIFE !
- In LIFE a cell can only be in 2 states : dead (empty) or
- alive (full).
- In this game each cell can be in any of over 100 states !
- And like in LIFE, during each scan of the two dimensional
- array, cells look at their immediate neighbors to determine
- their next state.
- The simplest cells in Rocky are the "air" and "grass" cells.
- Their state handlers do nothing at all.
- A "rock" on the other hand would look at the cell immediately
- below it to see if it could "occupy" that position and leave
- "air" behind ...
- "Gems" behave very similarly to rocks.
- When playing the game you'll notice that rocks behave a
- bit more realistically than described above.
- The only "cells" that deviate significantly from this
- cellular automaton mechanism are Rocky itself and cells
- that are part of a snake.
- Rocky isn't controlled by an algorithm but by.... you.
- Since the snakes defied any kind of clean implementation
- using the normal mechanisms, they are actually implemented
- by superimposing a standard "snake game" on top of the
- classic Boulderdash mechanism!
- It makes you wonder how the cells in a multi-cell organism
- stick together!!
- For the hackers: the graphics for the game are stored as
- a 3 plane 320*200 screen (file "chars").
- To simplify upgrades/changes there's also the IFF file
- from which the straight bitplane data was created (using
- IFFCon). Note that the screen colors are hardcoded in the
- program (find LoadRGB4 and you're there..).
- I've written the program relatively Amiga-friendly.
- The major exception is for the joystick....
- move.w joy0dat(a0),d0 ; OK ?
- If anybody out there would like to redraw the graphics or
- use better colors...
- Any comments,ideas or bug reports?
- My name and address are:
- Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- Christinastraat 105
- 8400 Oostende
- Belgium
- Enjoy !
- ******************************************************************************
- ** This program was tested on the following machines and seemed to behave:
- **
- ** Amiga 1000 running 1.3 OS with 512K CHIP and 2Mb FAST RAM
- ** Amiga 3000 running 2.0 OS with 2Mb CHIP and 3Mb FAST RAM
- **
- ******************************************************************************